Last week, I was at a reception where I saw some friends I hadn’t seen in a while, one of whom mentioned how much better she liked my old blog software. I’m assuming she didn’t know I wrote this new blog software myself; otherwise, she would have just been being intentionally cruel.

Today, I’m on my way to South Dakota and Wyoming to visit a good friend who’s going to be there to look in on some property he inherited. To get there from Phoenix while making the best use of my frequent flyer program, I have to suffer a rather long connection in Minneapolis. The good news is that I put several hours of otherwise idle time to productive use, squashing a few of the bugs in my blog software.

I focused on the bugs that were most annoying to me while being among the easiest to fix. Most involved triple hyphens not showing up as em-dashes where appropriate, an issue that many readers probably don’t notice. There are certainly lots of other problems to fix, not to mention all the features I want to add. I’m afraid it’ll be a long time before my blog software becomes acceptable to the friend from the reception.