I’m spending the night in Lorca, again not one of the usual stages. I’m in a small albergue, only 12 beds, with very friendly hosts.

At last night’s dinner, several of us were discussing how long we would be able to enjoy the light pilgrim traffic before we encountered another wave, or “bubble” as one person called it. For me, I got to about an hour’s walk before this village when I suddenly hit a wave of German pilgrims. Then I got to the albergue, and it was also full of Germans. Due to the lack of tables, I inserted myself at a table with one of the German families and found out what was going on. It was actually a bus tour, where a bus would drop everyone off to walk a relatively picturesque and not especially difficult section of the Camino, then pick them up at a designated place several hours later, to be whisked away to a nice, comfortable hotel somewhere off the Camino. Essentially they were going to “walk” the Camino in five days. The mother I spoke with seemed a little disappointed.

Other than that, the weather was great today. Relatively cool and cloudy, but no so cold I needed a sweatshirt. The trail was pretty easy, except for one village perched on a hill that required a steep climb in and a steep descent out.